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Showing posts from February, 2016

How To Process Ragi

I can see the questions on your faces reading the title..."what is she talking about..,processing RAGI ??!! ''..... Yes processing ragi.... This post is dedicated to all first time Moms..... Having your first baby means doubts and questions from the time the pregnancy is confirmed..every next second you seek answers.... Being gone through all those very recently am sure of it. Now my little one is one year old,but still am not out of that state,i panic on even the silliest things regarding him.

Double Layer Custard Pudding

I always like to cook from scratch but sometimes we can't help depending on those shortcuts. This time i had to make a dessert on short notice and i was run out of supplies for my favorites. I searched my pantry and dig out two boxes of custard powder which i had stocked to try a welcome drink

Chocolate truffle cake

A very happy valentines day to all...!!! Thinking of a recipie for valentines day i got stuck on this chocolate cake...there is nothing better than a chocolate recipie to celebrate the day of love...instead of gifting a box of chocolate or any store bought chocolate cake, this time surprise your loved one with something from your own effort...and I think this chocolate cake will surely win your valentine's heart.